We had several of our design consultants go through a class this week to get certified to do home energy inspections. It was very interesting. This will help Statewide help our customers to better understand how to make their homes more energy efficient. This does not mean that every home we inspect will need windows or E-Shield attic blanket. We will have a check list that we will create for every customers home we inspect that will outline improvements they can do that will reduce the energy consumption. It can be as simple as adding a set back thermostat & putting gaskets behind their light switch & wall plug covers. Stay tuned to our blog. I will be announcing a whole house solar system in the next week or so that will replace 70-80% of your electric usage and you will actually make money with it! How about if you could get this system installed on your home with no up front costs & no monthly out of pocket money? It can be done. I’ll get back to you soon with the details. This is exciting stuff!

Frank Manzare