Here at Statewide Remodeling, we know better than anyone that kitchen renovations can be a disrupting experience for the whole family. Depending on your level of renovations, they can also take anywhere from 1-3 months to complete. Essential to keep your family as free from stress as possible is having a plan that will help your home run smoothly even without a functional kitchen. Lucky for you, this article will take you through the necessary preparations to prepare for a remodel! 

Packing up Your Existing Kitchen

When packing up your existing kitchen, it’s wise to split up your items into two categories: items you will not need while your kitchen is out of service and items you will need. Pack up everything you won’t need in the same boxes and store them somewhere in a closet or basement. Then, keep all items that might need to be unpacked accessible. 


You’ll also want to make sure all your breakables and wall decorations are safely stored away. During the kitchen renovation process, decorations can fall off your walls or shelves and break, so be sure to get ahead of the curve and put all breakables in a safe place away from the hustle and bustle! 

Set Up a Temporary Kitchen

Since you won’t be able to use your kitchen for a certain amount of time, it’s crucial to have a temporary “kitchen” that can sustain you while your kitchen is unusable. To set one up, you might want to consider moving your fridge or mini-fridge to a space close to a water source and preparing to do dishes either in another sink or in the bathtub. Alternatively, you could always buy disposable plates, cups, and utensils! And, don’t worry, eco-conscious folks- there are always compostable disposables. 


Your temporary kitchen might include other common small appliances, like a coffee pot, electric oven, electric skillet, or crockpot. It’s all up to you and your family’s needs! 


In addition, it’s a good idea to stock up on non-perishable snacks and microwaveable frozen dinners for easy meals that don’t require much kitchen prep. Ordering pizza in is incredible for a few days but can get old quickly. 


Communicate with Children and Restrict Access for Pets


The site of a kitchen renovation can be a dangerous place for kids and pets. For this reason, it’s essential to be clear with your children about the boundaries of where they should and should not go. Pets also should be firmly restricted from access to the renovation site. 

No matter what, if you’re in the Austin area, Statewide Remodeling is committed to making your kitchen renovation process as stress-free as possible. Explore your options here!